Marching Band Fee
Please check your Charms account for your Marching Band Fee amount. Amounts vary based on membership in band (color guard or marching band student)
Please check your Charms account for your Marching Band Fee amount. Amounts vary based on membership in band (color guard or marching band student)
General Band Fee
All band students. Can be paid through participation in fundraisers. Fundraisers are 100% student profit. Or pay the balance in full and not have to participate in fundraisers!
All band students. Can be paid through participation in fundraisers. Fundraisers are 100% student profit. Or pay the balance in full and not have to participate in fundraisers!
There is a 3% charge for each online credit card purchase.
The costs associated with the West Hall Band Program contribute to making the best possible experience for each student. There will be a variety of fundraisers throughout the year to help support these financial obligations. If you cannot pay the entire fee upfront, we ask that you communicate with Mrs. Wilson-Fields and our booster treasurers in advance and set up a plan for your family. We work very hard to minimize the fees associated with our program and will continue to research the best ways to raise the most money possible.